I've bought myself a Citroen Picasso now that Mrs is due back at work. Coincidentally it cost me exactly the same amount as I sold Tyrion for.
On the outside it's a bit rough and ready - a lot like Tyrion was - but on the inside it's cosy, comfy and a pleasure to drive. The chap selling it made a big deal about telling me that although the airbag warning light is on, there's nothing wrong with the airbags, but I didn't take much notice of that for two reasons:
Firstly, there's no way he could possibly know that there was nothing wrong with the airbags.
Secondly, the light he pointed at was not the airbag warning light, it's a symbol that indicates whether the rear door child locks are on or not. I wasn't going to bump up the price by pointing this out to him.
The climate control display...
I forgot to mention, it's got climate control!
The climate control display wasn't working but I found a video on YouTube that showed me what to do:
Thanks to this chap I pulled my dash to pieces this evening...
And after fitting three little bulbs that I picked up from Halfords at lunchtime...
I now have a working climate-control display.
I'm not sure how it's going to work yet, but I'm pretty sure that it's big enough for my little bed, and with the Speedway season just about to start...